About Us

Organo Vita Diet Programs

We offer a wide range of nutritional plans, supplements and healthy products to help you on your weight loss journey. We have a unique system to help you and track your weight loss progress as you proceed with our services. 

Be one of our members and get wonderful discounts and have access to exclusive content. More importantly, we don't just focus on gross weight loss – we also create personalized healthy lifestyle plans tailored to your h... Learn more

Personalized Diet Support

We believe in working towards healthy, realistic weight loss goals that you can achieve and maintain. We work with you from day one to not only understand your goals but also to understand how and why your weight has become an issue for you. 

We know that weight gain is more than just eating the wrong things – and we'll help you to understand the reasons behind your choices, and how to change them.

#1 Weight Loss Center in RGV

Certain food groups could be having a negative impact on your health and fitness without you even realizing it. Are you having a hard time losing weight no matter how hard you try? Are your energy levels inconsistent or nonexistent? These symptoms may be directly related to the foods you eat.

“Organo Vita” has your solution! - while on our programs you will strip the negative impact foods from your diet, letting your body heal and recover ... Learn more