7 slices°Bacon
1 tbsp.°Olive Oil
4 large°Bella Mushroom Caps 

2 tbsp.°Fresh Parsley (Garnish)
1/2 cup°Chopped Fresh Basil 

4 oz.°Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, Cubed
2 oz.°Goat Cheese, Grated
1 medium°Red Bell Pepper
8-9 large°Eggs
1/4 cup°Heavy Cream
1/4 cup°Parmesan Cheese, Grated
Salt and Pepper°to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Prep all of your vegetables first. Roughly chop 1 medium Red Bell Pepper, 7 Slices of Bacon, enough basil to turn into 1/2 cup, and 4 large Baby Bella Mushroom caps (remove stems prior to chopping).
  2. In a hot pan, add 1 tbsp. olive oil. When the first wisp of smoke appears, add bacon to the pan immediately.
  3. Cook the bacon just enough so that it starts to turn brown. Once that ha- ppens, add the chopped red bell pepper. Stir well.
  4. While the red pepper is cooking, prep the egg mixture. Add 8 or 9 large eggs to a large mixing bowl along with 1/4 cup heavy cream, 1/4 cup parme- san cheese, and freshly ground pepper. Remember that parmesan has a salty quality to it so you shouldn’t need to add extra salt here.
  5. Using a whisk, whisk the egg mixture well so that everything is combined. 
  6. Once your red bell peppers begin to soften, add mushrooms to the pan and stir in well. You want the mushrooms to begin soaking up all the extra fats in the pan.
  7. While the mushrooms are soaking up the fats, chop your 4 oz. fresh mozzarella into cubes.
  8. Add the basil to the top of your ingredients and let it steam for a moment. 
  9. Sprinkle the mozzarella cubes on top of all the bacon and veggies.
  10. Add your egg mixture to the pan, making sure it’s evenly distributed.
  11. Using your spoon, slowly mix the ingredients and “lift” the ingredients up so that the egg can get to the bottom of the pan. You want the eggs to be all around and underneath the bacon, red pepper, and mushrooms.
  12. Grate 2 oz. of goat cheese over the top of the frittata, the put it in the oven for about 6-8 minutes at 350F. Leave the frittata in the pan and turn the broiler on. Broil for an additional 4-6 minutes, or until the top is started to turn golden brown.
  13. Remove the frittata from the oven and let rest for 30-45 seconds.
    Using a spoon, pry the edges of the frittata away from the pan. Make sure that all of the sides are easy to come o.
    Flip the frittata out of the pan by placing a baking sheet with parchment paper over the top of it.
    Once out of the pan, use a cutting board to flip the frittata right side up. 
  14. Garnish with 2 tbsp. fresh chopped parsley and slice!

This makes 6 total slices of Bacon, Red Pepper, and Mozzerella Frittata
Each slice comes out to°408 Calories, 31.2g Fats, 2.4g Net Carbs, and 19.2g Protein.


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